For several years now, we have also been offering a spring delivery of cuttings. “How do we do that?” Some customers ask themselves. We would like to explain this in this message.
After we have given all the roots their treatments before they can be planted, we seal these pallets with the plant material in them, to prevent them from drying out and to stimulate the hair root. We place the pallets in our cold storage rooms, where we keep the humidity at the right level.
We simulate a winter period in our cold storage rooms for the roots, as it were. We can set the cold storage room so that the plant material receives the necessary winter hours. Peony roots need a cold period of between 500 and 1000 hours (this differs per gender), in order to bloom again in the next growing season. When spring comes we will ship these at your convenience and at the latest in April, because then we want to finish our previous harvest season and this (depending on the soil) is also a good period for planting.